Come join the Bloomfield Holiday Open played in our indoor facility. Men's and Women's doubles on Saturday, December 28 Mixed doubles on Sunday, December 29. This is a skill level bracket.For guaranteed spot, partner must sign up within 3 days.The tournament format will be a round robin. If more than 1 pool, the round robin will be followed by playoffs for the top 4 teams from all events.Registration is $60 for non-members and $50 for members. Second and subsequent event is $30. Discount code to members will be emailed to them. There is a non-refundable software use fee of $5 for each event or $10 for more than one event that will be applied to every registration.
Start Time will be announced a day prior to the tournament.
Refunds minus a $5 processing fee per event for withdrawals from the tournament up to December 20. No refunds for withdrawals from the tournament after December 21.